Dr Wolfgang Walter was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Priory Surgery
15th July 2018

I have seen Dr Walter on several ocassions over the last few years. He has always been highly professional, willing to listen, asked relevant qus (some of which may not immediately appear to laymen as to why they are relevant) and gave thorough explanation and treatment plan. Over the years I have understood that he is quite a holistic doctor -- not just confined to conventional western medicine but also would recommend more holistic advice such as diet, lifestyle, vitamins, even acupuncture. He also knows about lesser-known remedies such as magnesium for migrane. He has also attended to my grandmother with great care and sensitivity, and even diagnosed her with the particular variant of dymensia before the neurology doctors did. He is also not afraid to give very straight advice, which can be why there are some reviews that might give the impression that he is uncaring. Well, often 20-packs-a-day smokers do not want to be told they are seriously harming their own health by continuing to smoke. All in all, I feel my famiy and myself have consistently received great care from a fantastic and sensitive doctor. Cannot recommend Dr Walter more.

Written by a patient at The Family Practice
5th July 2018

I am shocked by the positive reviews here. My experience with Dr Walter was abysmal, and resulted in my leaving the surgery in tears (without the change in medication that had been my primary reason for the appointment) and making a complaint. Things that I have never previously done on any occasion. I am very overweight and suffer from depression, I was there to go over some recent blood tests and increase my antidepressant dosage (as recommended by a different doctor during a prior appointment). Dr Walter began by criticising my note taking, refusing to progress until I had written the full address of a website he recommended including .org rather than a short reminder, then began to address almost every question with the idea that if I were to go on 'the blood sugar diet' my weight would fall and all my problems would be solved. When I commented that I already follow a diet low in refined/high GI carbohydrates as my spouse has diet controlled diabetes I was asked what I ate for breakfast and the fact that this included a banana was taken as proof that I was not telling the truth as 'fruit has a high glycemic index'. I metaphorically bit my tongue and tried to push on to adjusting my antidepressant dosage, at which point he stated his reluctance to increase my dose as 'it can prevent weight loss'. I was not there for weight loss advice. I am aware that I am very overweight. I am aware of it's effects on my health, despite healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. I am in fact seeing the local specialist weight loss team as well as pursuing private methods. At this point I lost my temper and snapped at him about differing priorities. He then became hyper focussed on my reaction to him, despite my attempts to redirect the conversation to my medication so that I could leave, to the point where I became very uncomfortable and felt unable to continue the appointment (and told him so in an aggressive manner) so I left. I suspect this all sounds trivial written down, but it was the worst interaction I have experienced with a doctor in my adult life (in which I regularly interact with doctors).

Written by a patient at The Family Practice
6th June 2018

I've never had a GP take so much time to get to know my situation and explain the benefits of different vitamins that had never been suggested to me before. He also recommended a referral to an service that I had never heard of before regarding my M.E. I felt like he took me seriously and cared.

Written by a patient at Broadmead Medical Centre
23rd May 2018

I liked that he speaks in calm manner, spends enough time examining and explaining what' s happening, listens to any concerns, reassures, it seems like he does his best!

Written by a carer at The Family Practice
17th May 2018

Dr Walter visited several times my 2 years old son at the Family Practice. Dr W.Walter was friendly but efficient, he was able to visitit and entertain my active toddler at the same time, a tosillitis, a skin rash, several episodes of fever and a more complex positional plagiocephaly. The doctor every time explained everything to us, looking at his medical history, Always reassuring, but clear in explaining treatments, risks and potential complications. Excellent doctor, I would raccomend Dr Walter to everyone.


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